Heat and Alterity in Contemporary Dance South-South Choreographies by Ananya Chatterjea ➡ Buy Now at Springer Nature Link
Dancing Transnational Feminisms Ananya Dance Theatre and the Art of Social Justice Edited by Ananya Chatterjea, Hui Niu Wilcox, Alessandra Lebea Williams ➡ Buy Now at University of Washington Press
Dance Technology and Social Justice Individual and Collective Emancipation Through Embodied Techniques by Kaustavi Sarkar ➡ Buy Now at McFarland Books
National Performance Network Annual Conference: “Uncensored: Dissent, Democracy, and Defending Artists’ Freedom of Expression,” with Tracie D. Hall · American Library Association; Ananya Chatterjea · Ananya Dance Theatre; and Jorge Diaz · AgitArte (2023)
Inside the Pillow Lab: Ananya Dance Theatre at Jacob’s Pillow (2022)
UMass Fine Arts Center: Bodies at Risk: Jawole Willa Jo Zollar (Urban Bush Women) And Ananya Chatterjea (Ananya Dance Theatre) (2020)
U of MN – Twin Cities: Dancing Towards Justice: An Interview with Ananya Chatterjea
Asia Society: Hacking the Syllabus: Critical Solidarities with Ananya Chatterjea and Thomas F. DeFrantz and “How Do We Dance Now? Moving in Alignment with the Uprising” by Ananya Chatterjea (2020)
Wesleyan University Center for the Arts: A Conversation with Ananya Chatterjea and Hari Krishnan: Rethinking “Navaratri” (2019)
In Ananya Dance Theatre’s ‘Antaranga,’ women pave a path for a better world (2024)
Ananya Dance Theatre makes a connection between movement and social movements (2022)
Choreographer uses University Avenue dance studio to plant seeds of social change (2022)
Ananya Dance Theatre continues to be a relentless crusader for social justice (2021)