get involved
From time to time, we will advertise auditions for new company members. Watch our social media and local platforms like DanceMN for those notices.
Please note that Yorchhā is a highly rigorous practice and requires intensive/durational training to perform in a professional context.
We are committed to deep listening within our communities and to building relationships with fellow-travelers in the work of social justice. Please contact us at
We are committed to building a network of advocates who believe in ADT’s work and in the movement of dance for social justice. To self-nominate or nominate someone you know, please send an email to our Board Chair at
We have a long history of engaging with students of all ages, in a school setting or at our Shawngrām Institute. If you are interested in connecting with us to work with your students, or curious about bringing your students to one of our events or performances, contact
As a small organization, we don’t have expansive volunteer needs.
If we are looking for a specific volunteer role right now, you will find that listed here.
If you are curious about working with our board, contact our board chair, you have a special skill that might be of use to a small arts non-profit, reach out to
Our work and relationships are based in mutuality. Come spend time with us! We offer weekly classes on a donation basis and a series of FREE public workshops that connect to the themes of each year’s premiere. If you are presenting work elsewhere, invite us! You can send us notices via Facebook or Instagram or at We can’t promise to be there, but we’re always glad to know what our community is working on!
If you are a dance scholar, we draw your especial attention to these pages:
If you have a specific research query, please email We will pass your request on to the appropriate person.
There are no job openings at this time.